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Phillipa Ashley

Monday, June 12, 2006

The overbearing master...or how it all began.

Some people (having had their arms firmly twisted) have asked me how I came to write my first novel and how it got published. It still feels weird to talk about it it has happened to someone else, but here goes.

I actually started writing when I was four, my first attempt to get published being a joke sent off by my mum to the Topper (yes - I'm that old). When I was nine, I won a runner's up prize in a Daily Mirror children's literary competition. Thanks to an inspirational English teacher at the local comprehensive, I later got a place to read English Language & Literature at Oxford. Special interests included Jane Austen and hot rum punch at The Turf Tavern.

After leaving uni worked (briefly) in a food factory, as a copywriter, a regional journalist and now runs a freelance copywriting business. The best part has been writing non-fiction articles including interviews with authors, actors and sportspeople.

I never dreamed of writing any fiction - far too difficult, I thought (it was and is) and very stressful (it was and isn't quite so much now).

In January 2005 I met up with a group of wonderful women on the BBC Drama message board, and became one of the members of an internet literary/writing site called C19. My first piece of fiction was a 'fanfic' called, imaginatively N&S 2005. It was a sexy, funny ( I hope) ‘modern’ take on the Mrs Gaskell’s North & South, without the multiple deaths and politics.

Which all gives me an excuse to post another gorgeous bloke. Mr 'Overbearing Master' himself, star of North & South ....Richard Armitage. (Sorry, Richard if you ever come across this but you have to shoulder some of the blame...and what broad shoulders they are.)


  • At 7:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    There's always some bloke to blame, isn't there? ;)

    And now part two... :)

  • At 11:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    He has a lot to answer for, that smouldering mill owner...

  • At 4:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    C19?? What is that then?

  • At 7:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yep, RA/JT has got a lot to answer for hasn't he. With me it wasn't so creative - more like a major distraction from my normal working life, especially after C19 got started and I discovered that there are some really good writers producing fanfic. (I'm a fan from N&S 2005).
    BTW, don't forget to let us C19'ers know the launch date. I'm looking forward to the tea & scones you promised us...

  • At 1:06 AM, Blogger Phillipa said…

    Ilsa - you need to email me about the tea and scones. Can you get in touch with me via lostin1855 or Welshvalley or Maggie please?

    P x

  • At 3:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Pip
    who would have thought.... all those months ago. Its been a real roller coster of a ride and I wouldn't have missed it for anything. Congratulations on your book. I wonder if RA has any idea what he started..... :-)
    as always
    Love DF x

  • At 1:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Of course John Thornton (2005 version) was the original Calendar Boy.....

    Glad to see there is an absence of chocolate on this blog page! Congratulations on the abseil, too - a brilliant achievement (like the book).



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